[CMake] Copying DLLs to output directory

Bill Somerville bill at classdesign.com
Fri Oct 31 17:23:46 EDT 2014

On 31/10/2014 21:18, Daniel Schepler wrote:
> In my online research, I was finding limits more like 1024 or 2048 characters maximum.  But if 32767 bytes is the real limit, and there are no compatibility issues with certain programs for values longer than 1024 characters, that would be great.
Even that can be coped with if you are on Windows Vista or later since 
you can create symlinks to the various library directories if they lie 
at the end of lengthy paths. Then just add the symlinks to the PATH 
environment variable. Syminks are also very handy if you have versions 
in the paths to libraries as you only need to move the symlinks to 
switch versions :(


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