[CMake] Copying DLLs to output directory

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Tue Oct 28 01:21:49 EDT 2014


you can use generator expression in a post build rule to copy the dll file to the same target dir as the target you link it with. The easiest way to do this is to properly define all 3rd party libraries as imported targets that contains both, the lib and the dll file.
Sadly, the FindQt4 on Windows doesn't do this and thus make life harder than needed. CMake configuration files should always do this right.

OTOH, you could also write a wrapper batch file or change VS properties to modify PATH to include all libraries before the regular path.


Am 28. Oktober 2014 02:55:08 MEZ, schrieb Robert Dailey <rcdailey.lists at gmail.com>:
>This actually used to be a very difficult problem to solve. However,
>to debug in visual studio it's essential.
>If I have DLLs located in third party directories OR from targets that
>I depend on, those must all be copied to the directory of the
>executable I'm debugging in order for those DLLs to be found and
>Using CMake 3.0.2, I hope this task is simpler, especially with the
>introduction of a nice suite of generator expressions. Can anyone
>recommend a good way to do this?

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