[CMake] Invoking genassym from cmake

Emmanuel Blot eblot.ml at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 13:37:00 EDT 2014


I'd like to call genassym from cmake.

>From FreeBSD man page:
   sh genassym.sh [-c] C compiler invocation

I do not really get how to perform such a task from CMake, as the "C
compiler invokation" string is similar to what is defined with the
<CMAKE_C_COMPILER> <DEFINES> <FLAGS> (as retrieved from the
CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT var) but I cannot figure a way to retrieve
<DEFINES> and <FLAGS> contents here. I tried with (too) many
combinations of GET_PROPERTY, with no luck.

What would be the best way to retrieve all the definitions and flags
used for the current target, but invoke the compiler though


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