[CMake] cmake's REMOVE_RECURSE is not deleting symlinks

Ashok Nalkund ashoknn at qti.qualcomm.com
Wed May 21 02:49:50 EDT 2014

Hi All,
   I have a situation where I need to:
- create some dirs in the build directory
- create symlinks to the above dirs in the source directory

   The creation part works well, I'm using add_custom_command(OUTPUT 
...) and add_custom_target() which depends onthe output of custom 
command. The cmake_clean.cmake is shown below. However, when I run 'make 
clean' which finaly runs 'cmake -P 
CMakeFiles/Test_dirs.dir/cmake_clean.cmake', the first invocation of 
'make clean' only removes the dirs from the build dir. I have to run 
'make clean' a second time to get rid of the symlinks that were created 
in the source dir.

   Does anybody know how to fix the situation, I'd like a single 
invocation of 'make clean' to delete the dirs in the build directory as 
well as the symlinks in the source dir.


$cat CMakeFiles/Test_dirs.dir/cmake_clean.cmake

# Per-language clean rules from dependency scanning.
   INCLUDE(CMakeFiles/Test_dirs.dir/cmake_clean_${lang}.cmake OPTIONAL)

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