[CMake] Quick Question: add_custom_target( xxx ) add_custom_command( TARGET xxx ... )

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Mar 11 11:32:36 EDT 2014

On 2014-03-10 18:48, J Decker wrote:
> *shrug* there's no build targets... it's just a
> update/package/uninstall/install script for android apk targets...
> Turned out to work pretty good other than...
> configure_file() I had to emit a 1 line script and call 'cmake -P
> StupidConfigure.cmake'

Yes, that's annoying. Maybe such a script should be distributed with 
CMake? (I don't think it would work well as a command; you still need to 
be able to pass -D's to set the replacement values, and at that point 
there probably isn't enough difference between '-E configure_file' and 
'-P $CMAKE_ROOT/Modules/ConfigureFile.cmake' to justify how much more 
effort is required to implement the former, vs. the latter just means 
adding a very short script to CMake's distribution.


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