[CMake] CMAKE_{C, CXX}_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES being used even though Ada is the current language.

Tom Kacvinsky tom.kacvinsky at vectorcast.com
Fri Jan 3 09:32:48 EST 2014

I sent an email yesterday about -lstdc++ showing up on my link line even
though I did not request it.  And I was getting -lc and -lm multiple times.

After much digging, I tracked it down to CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES
and CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES being added to the link line, even
though the language in effect is Ada (as set up by the PLPlot Ada support
CMake moduels).

My question is why are these added?  Is this done by default in cmake, or
is this a deficiency in the Ada support modules?

It is important that we remove the use of -lstdc++, so if you have any
ideas on how to remove this, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

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