[CMake] Programmatically-generated dependencies

ax487 ax487 at gmx.de
Thu Dec 11 09:48:51 EST 2014


On 09.12.2014 10:38, ax487 wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am mainly asking having glib-compile-resources in mind. This little
> program translates files into C source code to be used with the
> gresource system. It works in the following way: You have a file.xml
> describing the resources:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <gresources>
> <gresource prefix="/some/prefix">
> <file>some_file.txt</file>
> </gresource>
> </gresources>
> To generate the source you use `glib-compile-resources --generate-source
> --target=output.c file.xml`. Clearly the generated output.c depends on
> file.xml. But it also depends on some_file.txt. It is possible to get a
> list of dependencies using `glib-compile-resources
> --generate-dependencies file.xml` which will output
> some_file.txt
> The situation is similar to the case of auto-generated header
> dependencies for C/C++ source code using the "-MM" option of gcc.
> I saw the following version on github:
> https://github.com/bgK/vba-ttb/blob/master/cmake/GResource.cmake
> which does not correctly detect dependencies, but nothing apart from
> that. But since the process works with C/C++ source code I figured there
> is no reason why it shouldn't also work in this case. Could anyone give
> me some pointers on how to get this to work?
> ax487

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