[CMake] Nvidia nsight (eclipse cdt) error parsing

Georg Altmann Georg.Altmann at informatik.stud.uni-erlangen.de
Tue Dec 2 06:28:41 EST 2014


I am using CMake for generating a project file for nvidia nsight to edit
CUDA sources.

$ mkdir myproj-build && cd myproj-build
$ cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ../myproj

The problem is, eclipse won't recognize the compiler errors output by nvcc.
I enabled the "nvcc error parser" in "project->properties->C/C++ Make
Project->Error Parsers" and moved it to the top of the list.
Error parsing works fine for "native" nsight CUDA projects and for
non-CUDA/non-nvcc c++ cmake generated projects.

Is this a known issue? Anybody have a fix?

System: Linux Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS x64

Tested cmake versions:
cmake version (Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS)
cmake version 3.1.0-rc2 (built from source)

Nsight Eclipse Edition 6.5
Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools Version: 8.1.2.nvidia-qualifier


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