[CMake] Autotools->cmake: Are these checks really needed anymore?

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Sat Aug 30 13:12:03 EDT 2014

On 30. August 2014 16:18:26 MESZ, Richard Shaw <hobbes1069 at gmail.com> wrote:
>In the project I'm converting to cmake there are a lot of checks for
>headers and functions I've reimplemented in cmake, but it seems a lot
>autotools based programs do a lot of excessive checking and I don't
>want to
>implement stuff that can be safely assumed on most systems.

They actually do this checking because they are part of some standard macros.

You should ask yourself if you actually use this information anywhere.

I never check for header files that are usually part of the compiler or base system. The corner cases can often be easier handled in other ways than some strange checking in the build system.

And this is still one of the most annoying thing about autotools.


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