[CMake] CMake, Visual Studio and cross-compilation.

Max Savenkov max.savenkov at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 05:21:36 EDT 2014

Thank you. It's nice to see somebody already worked on NVidia NSight 
addition. As with -T option, it unfortunately does not help, since I not 
only need to choose a platform toolset, but an entirely different 
platform (like Win32 or x64, named "Emscripten"). From what I've read, 
there is no way to do it in CMake, short of adding ANOTHER generator, 
like they did with NSight, "Visual Studio 10 2010 Emscripten" or 
something. I don't like this, because multiplying number of generators 
by number of VS versions seems like an awful idea, but maybe it's OK, 
since project generation for Visual Studio is such a special case 
anyway... Guess I can try to create a patch similar to one for NSight, 
because vs-android (on which NSight is based) and vs-tool are fairly 
similar too...

30.08.2014 12:38, Nils Gladitz пишет:
> On 30.08.2014 07:21, Max Savenkov wrote:
>> There are two cases I'm primarily interested in:
>> vs-android (and NVidia's VS addon that is based on it), which allows 
>> cross-compilation to Android
>> vs-tool (https://github.com/juj/vs-tool), which allows 
>> cross-compilation into JavaScript using Emscripten
>> Both work by adding a new Platform type to use in Visual Studio.
>> As far as I understand, there is no way to generate Visual Studio 
>> solutions that support these new platforms presently (if there is 
>> one, please tell me).
> The more recent Visual Studio generators (>=2010) support platform 
> toolset selection with -T <toolset-name> [1].
> I don't know if or how well this works with the custom toolsets added 
> by vs-tool but it might be worth a try.
> As for NVIDIA's NSight Tegra there seems to be:
> http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/cmake-developers/2014-July/010811.html 
> Nils
> [1] 
> http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/manual/cmake.1.html?highlight=toolset

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