[CMake] include_directories system keyword explicit behavior

Maikel maikelvandenhurk at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 30 16:25:18 EDT 2014

I have question with regards of using SYSTEM keyword within include_directories functions, as if you are having following setup:
include_directories(dir1 SYSTEM dir2 dir3)
In this case both dir2 and dir3 will have '-isystem' and dir1 is having '-i'. Wouldn't it be better to make the SYSTEM keyword more explicit and only applicable for dir2? And in case you want to have it for dir3 as well you have to specify it like include_directories(dir1 SYSTEM dir2 SYSTEM dir3). 
Defining thirdparty headers includes will become more explicit and order doesnt matter any longer, or need for custom function to achieve this. Any suggestions or better ways to handle this?
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