[CMake] How to embed Qt resources using CMake

Matthew Woehlke matthew.woehlke at kitware.com
Tue Jul 9 14:24:05 EDT 2013

On 2013-07-08 12:59, Júlio Hoffimann wrote:
> My CMakeLists.txt resides at the same directory as icons.qrc, but my main
> application is linked in a completely separate folder:
> main/
> -- resources/
> -- -- pixmaps/
> -- CMakeLists1.txt
> -- icons.qrc
> exe/
> -- CMakeLists2.txt
> -- main.cpp
> Is it okay? What should be the CMakeLists(1|2).txt in this case?

Our project tree looks roughly like this, but we don't have a 
CMakeLists.txt in what corresponds to your 'main'; we just do 

qt4_add_resources(resSources ../main/icons.qrc)
add_executable(... ${resSources})

If you also have sources in 'main' that you are trying to compile into a 
static library (containing the resources), then you probably need 
Q_INIT_RESOURCE, as you discovered.


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