[CMake] Building all tests in parallel (whole subtrees)

wmknapik@gmail.com wmknapik at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 06:05:09 EST 2013

Sorry for the top-posting, I'm using my phone to send this.

The unique names in each subdir are not an acceptable solution for me. 

Also, the project builds on Linux only, where gmake is fine.


----- Reply message -----
From: "Matthew Woehlke" <matthew.woehlke at kitware.com>
To: <cmake at cmake.org>
Cc: <public-cmake-wChDC6UyXvPYtjvyW6yDsg at plane.gmane.org>
Subject: [CMake] Building all tests in parallel (whole subtrees)
Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2013 01:07

On 2013-01-23 18:08, Wojciech Knapik wrote:
> I set up targets that build the unit test executables and
> marked them with EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL, because I don't want to tie building
> them to building the application code. Now I need a way to build and run
> these tests en masse, since there are too many to do it one at a time.
> Ideally I'd like to have a make target, that I could call to build all
> unit tests in the current directory and below *in*parallel*.

I'm not sure if this is possible (or at least feasible)... different 
generators may or may not have the concept of targets in directories. I 
think you would need to create a uniquely named target per directory.

Now, assuming you are okay creating one top-level target to build 
everything, it's easy:


add_dependency(all_tests my_test_executable)

The tests will have the same ability to be built in parallel as any 
other targets.

If you are using Makefiles, this *might* 'just happen' to do what you 
want for directory-level granularity, but it won't work with other 
generators (e.g. ninja, MSVS, etc.). Otherwise, you can probably figure 
out how to extend the above idea to directory-level targets.

(On an unrelated note, I would suggest looking at ninja; it's a whole 
bunch faster than make, nmake, or MSVS.)



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