[CMake] How to handle RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel when not built?

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 10:57:44 EST 2013

> The suggestion in the bug report looks somewhat reasonable to me, but then
> again, we don't actually create separate debug info, and the 'Release'
> configuration would be no different to the 'RelWithDebInfo' configuration,
> so it's sort of a 'lie'.
> The real need for it though is probably that it allows the downstream of Qt
> to use RelWithDebInfo themselves?
> The alternative way to do that would be to set the MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG*
> properties. I'm not sure whether I should advise that and close the bug
> report, or should I implement the suggested change.
> Any ideas?
As a windows programmer who regularly uses CMake generated
RelWithDebInfo targets with Qt4 since 2008 I believe the behavior of
using the Release versions for RelWithDebugInfo is fine (and actually
preferred for me). If I need to debug deeply into a Qt problem I will
switch to use the Debug build however most of the time for itk or vtk
I want to use RelWithDebInfo to debug since these tend to be slow to
Debug in Debug mode that is when I use dicom images that are similar
resolution to what my programs typically use.


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