[CMake] /subsystem:windows not working

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Mon Feb 11 18:39:15 EST 2013

Hey there. I was wondering if somebody could help me. I'm writing a Qt GUI application. When I launch it, the console comes up with the application. I would like it to be a windowed application only. I tried the following but the subsystem is still being set to "console" when I load my sln in visual studio 2010

                IF (WIN32)
                                SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (myapp PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG "/SUBSYSTEM:windows")
                                SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (myapp PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE "/SUBSYSTEM:windows")
                                SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (myapp PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "/SUBSYSTEM:windows")
                ENDIF (WIN32)

I've tried "windows", "WINDOWS", "foo"... nothing seems to change the subsystem.

Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?


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