[CMake] syntax error?

David Cole dlrdave at aol.com
Thu Aug 15 07:40:27 EDT 2013

> Ah, you introduced a space after the "NOT" to silence the warning.
> I'm not sure why it is picky about that space not being there.

Unintentionally. I never even saw the warning text locally.

The text comes from this commit, which was rewritten and merged in very 


git says it's only in 'next' and 'nightly' so far:

    user at computer /c/n/d/cmake (nightly)
    $ git branch -a --contains b2ac3463b5ef5dfd3fc662c12aaaacdd177e5dc1
    * nightly

The commit message explains the rationale. Not sure if Brad is aware 
the warning can be triggered by parenthesized expressions in the if 
command... Brad?


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