[CMake] add_test/memcheck

cabieces julien cabieces.julien at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 08:09:22 EDT 2013


I'm currently using the simple way of testing in Cmake, just adding the two
following instructions at the end of my CMakeLists.txt;

add_test(TestMyProgram MyProgram)

I follow this instruction : http://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Testing_With_CTest

and I would like to make memory checking (and eventually coverage)

In order to do it, I just add "include(CTest)" after enable_testing, and
type in a terminal

ctest -D ExperimentalMemCheck

but now, I would like to customize memchecking (I use valgrind) by setting
a suppression file and tell valgrind to produce a xml-file (that could used
in an other tool or maybe Jenkins).

So according to the documentation I add
file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/valgrind_supp.xml"
set(MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS "--xml=yes --xml-file=test_memcheck.xml")

It doesn't work and it doesn't even modify CMakeCache.txt

What did I miss?

Thanks in advance
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