[CMake] Ninja: It's ninja issue, or CMake problem?

Loaden loaden at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 04:07:48 EDT 2012

I don't think so.
function(add_msvc_precompiled_header target)

    set(pchBinaryFile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}_pch.pch)

*    set_source_files_properties(${${${target}_PCH_SOURCE_VAR}} PROPERTIES*

*        COMPILE_FLAGS "/Yc\"${${target}_PCH_HEADER_FILE}\"

*        OBJECT_OUTPUTS ${pchBinaryFile}*

*    )*

    message(STATUS "[${target}] Precompiled binary is \"${pchBinaryFile}\"")

    set(${target}_PCH_BINARY_FILE ${pchBinaryFile}

        CACHE INTERNAL "Precompiled binary file"



2012/9/25 Peter Kümmel <syntheticpp at gmx.net>

> Maybe by "accident". Which cmake command do you use to add the dependency?

*Please don't ask where I come from, It's a shame!*
Best Regards
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