[CMake] Using the -C option to cmake

Christian Arnault arnault at lal.in2p3.fr
Fri Jun 29 08:44:47 EDT 2012


I wanted to factor out some initial stuff of my CMakeLists.txt that I 
systematically include.

typically I include the following lines at the beginning of all my 

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
function (AA)
   message ("calling AA")


Then I thought by using the -C option as follows:

 > cmake --build=. -C %CMTROOT%\Init.cmake ..\CMakeLists.txt

with Init.cmake file containing

   message("calling aaaa")

This would be equivalent.

Apparently this is not the case. In particular, the function definitions 
are not transmitted by this mechanism

loading initial cache file ...\Init.cmake

... the functions defined in Init.cmake are not recognized

Of course I could 'manually' include my module in all CMakeLists.txt but ...

Can someone explain why?

Or, how could I obtain what I need?

Thanks for any hint


| Christian Arnault                        |
| LAL Bat 200 pièce 03a                    |
| 91405 Orsay CEDEX                        |
| phone   : (33) 1 64 46 84 24             |
| gsm     : (33) 6 77 27 62 30             |
| fax     : (33) 1 69 07 94 04             |
| e-mail  : christian.arnault at lal.in2p3.fr |

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