[CMake] undef a symbol

Totte Karlsson totte at dunescientific.com
Tue Jun 12 19:09:34 EDT 2012

On 6/12/2012 3:55 PM, David Cole wrote:
> Please do not use anything except for -D args with add_definitions. Other flags
> should be added to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or some other variable, and they are compiler
> specific. I doubt that "/U" works uniformly across compilers the same way -D does.
Yeah, it worked for visual studio, but as you said, may not work uniformly

> The remove_definitions command is the opposite of the add_definitions command,
> but it still takes its arguments exactly as add_definitions does, with "-D"
> prefixes.
> http://cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.8/cmake.html#command:remove_definitions

I'll check that one out instead

> HTH,
> David
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Totte Karlsson <totte at dunescientific.com
> <mailto:totte at dunescientific.com>> wrote:
>     Seem
>     that add_definitions(/UTheSymbol) did the job!
>     -totte
>     On 6/12/2012 2:57 PM, Totte Karlsson wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I have a folder in which I build a library. For doing so I have a
>         add_definitions(-DMySymbol) line
>         It seems that subfolders inherits this,which I don't want. How do I
>         "undef" the
>         MySymbol symbol in a subfolder CMakeList file?
>         -totte
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