[CMake] Project- and Source- group fun

Fabio Fracassi fabio.fracassi at charite.de
Tue Jul 31 06:02:12 EDT 2012


I am currently cleaning up our build system and stumbled over some minor 
things, where I did not find a way to accomplish them. Are they at all 

I wanted to contain all cmake generated targets (like ALL_BUILD, 
ZERO_CHECK, INSTALL, ... ) in a Project group, but I cannot set the 
target property since they are not propper targets.

I'd like to add all CMakeLists.txt to a special target, ideally 
ALL_BUILD, so that they are accessible from the IDE, and I'd rather not 
wrap the add_subdirectory command to save them all.

I'd like to call my CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.cmake or CMakeLists.cmlst 
or whatever, so that I can teach my editor proper syntax highlighting 
(and the OS to open the correct editor).

In Xcode the source groups are ordered in reverse order of the 
source_group calls.

In Xcode sub-groups (both project and source) do not work correctly. 
e.g. if I have the groups "x" "x/y" "x/z" I get the following result

  \- x
   |  \- y
   |   |  \- contents of y
   |  \- z
   |     \- contents of z
  \- x
     \- contents of x

instead of the expected (as in VS)
  \- x
     \- y
      |  \- contents of y
     \- z
      |  \- contents of z
     \- contents of x



Dipl.-Inf. Fabio Fracassi
BZMM - Charite & Fraunhofer IPK (bzmm.charite.de)
Augustenburger Platz. 1
13353 Berlin

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