[CMake] Bug fix requests for the *next* release of CMake...

Rolf Eike Beer eike at sf-mail.de
Mon Jan 23 13:29:33 EST 2012

Theodore Papadopoulo wrote:
> I do not know if it is too late to require bugfix for the next release
> or even whether this bug is known (a quick browsing of buzilla shows
> nothing and the git sources still contain the bug), but in any case.
> In cmake-2.8.6, the module FindLAPACK.cmake contains the lines:
>    # for ubuntu's libblas3gf and liblapack3gf packages
> endif ()

AFAICS this just adds another suffix, but will not remove an existing one, so 
this should not make anything go undetected that was detected before. You can 
try yourself if you just comment out this lines.

I think this may be something entirely different, that I have seen today for 
completely unrelated modules: if the library is in /usr/lib64 like on my 
openSuSE 12.1, the library is sometimes not detected. When trying it on my 
machine at home it works like a charm. I've not entirely understood what was 
wrong there and had no time yet to debug this.

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