[CMake] Issue with ExternalProject_add at make_directory build

Chris Sigman cypris87 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 21:52:51 EST 2012

Hi all,

I'm trying to build boost with ExternalProject_add using cmake 2.8.7, and
there seems to be an error in the makefile it's generating.  Specifically,
in the step where it created the directories, the makefile ends up with
this line:

 /apps/cmake/cmake-2.8.7/bin/cmake -E make_directory /workspace/boost/build
CONFIGURE_CMD "bootstrap.sh --libdir=/workspace/boost/install
--includedir=/workspace/boost/install --with-libraries=serialization"
BUILD_CMD "bjam install"

It seems to me that that is supposed to be two or more separate calls.
 This obviously ends up calling cmake in error.  Below is my call to
ExternalProject_add, in-case that is what is in erorr, but I've fooled
around with it a fair amount and get the same results every time, so I
don't think that's where the issue is

ExternalProject_Add           ( boost
  PREFIX                        ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/boost/tmp
  DOWNLOAD_COMMAND              ""
  SOURCE_DIR                    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/boost/1_48_0
  INSTALL_DIR                   ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/boost/install
  BINARY_DIR                    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/boost/build
  CONFIGURE_CMD                 "bootstrap.sh --libdir=<INSTALL_DIR>
--includedir=<INSTALL_DIR> --with-libraries=serialization"
  BUILD_CMD                     "bjam install"

Thanks for the help!
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