[CMake] FindBoost and Mingw compiler version

Lance Luvaul lance at mso.anu.edu.au
Sat Jan 14 10:20:48 EST 2012

Hi all, why does FindBoost use the version of the currently installed 
MinGW compiler to find the Boost libs instead of the version encoded in 
the Boost lib filenames (for MinGW compiler versions 1.34 and above)?  
Doing so only necessitates the use of -DBoost_COMPILER=-mgw<ver>.  
Excerpt from FindBoost:

     elseif (MINGW)

       if(${Boost_MAJOR_VERSION}.${Boost_MINOR_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 1.34)

           set(_boost_COMPILER "-mgw") # no GCC version encoding prior to 1.34



         set(_boost_COMPILER "-mgw${_boost_COMPILER_VERSION}")


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