[CMake] Some issues with visual studio

Renato Utsch renatoutsch at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 16:59:49 EST 2012

>My current work-around is to peg all of the output directories for all
>the active configurations to the same directory - that negates much of
>the benefit of multiple-configuration IDE options, but does at least
>result in the expected run-from-build-directory behavior.  (It works
>for MSVC - we apparently have too many targets or something for
>XCode...)  You have to switch configs and re-build just like with Make
>files, but that's the tradeoff currently required for being able to
>run in the build directory.

Clifford, can you explain more what you said, I didn't understand...

You said that you change the output directories for all the active
configurations to the same directory? Well, how do you do that (if it
is what you said)? This is exactly what I want...


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