[CMake] #include and fortran dependencies

Dirk vanMeeuwen DvanMeeuwen at technip.com
Tue Feb 28 11:06:07 EST 2012

Dear all,

I am quite new to cmake and just started to setup cmake for a large 
project, consisting of mainly fortran code. We use the Intel compiler, 
version 12, for windows. This compiler supports the following code:

#include "fpp-Windows-definition.inc"

However, when this module MSG is used, the project build order generated 
by CMake is not correct (see attached small example). This problem does 
not occur when the #include is placed within the module. 
Can anyone tell me if I missed some documentation on supported code blocks 
or supported compiler definitions? This problem was easily solved by 
placing all the includes within the module, which did not make any 
difference for me. But before I go on I would like to see if I will 
succeed in the end, or if the compiler is not supported yet. In that case 
it will save me a lot of trouble.

Kind regards,

Dirk van Meeuwen,

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