[CMake] Under Visual Studio , allow developers to hit "F7" to run the INSTALL target

david_bjornbak at agilent.com david_bjornbak at agilent.com
Tue Feb 7 14:47:53 EST 2012

Developers on our team have found issues with the difference between "INSTALL" and the default build or "F7" build all under Visual Studio.  My question is, there's a reasonable way to configure cmake or Visual Studio to run the INSTALL target when you hit "F7" or use the default "Build Solution" functionality to run INSTALL.

We're working a fairly large project and the default setting of having INSTALL dependent on ALL or separating out the two targets makes sense when you're building the entire project.

However, we allow developers to build sub projects and it makes sense if these sub project just install quickly into a larger pre-built installation directory.  The confusion currently is, they run ALL_BUILD or "F7" and the build finishes and they forget to run "INSTALL".    Particularly we, had developers that worked formally on smaller non-Cmake Visual Studio projects and not Linux so, they're not used to the make all and then make install defacto standard.
This request is similar as the following on "Selecting INSTALL target in Visual Studio Configuration by default"  but, I wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions on this topic.


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