[CMake] Different handling of spaces in COMPILE_FLAGS on Windows XP

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Tue Aug 28 10:27:33 EDT 2012

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Robert Dailey <rcdailey.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm seeing different results here between Windows 7 and Windows XP.
> Here is the CMake code I use to add /FI (force includes) to the
> compiler flags for a source file:
> function( _force_include header_file )
>         if( MSVC )
>                 foreach( source ${ARGN} )
>                         get_filename_component( ext ${source} EXT )
>                         if( ext STREQUAL ".cpp" )
>                                 set_property( SOURCE ${source} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY
>                                         COMPILE_FLAGS "/FI${header_file} "
>                                 )
>                         endif()
>                 endforeach()
>         else()
>                 message( SEND_ERROR "_force_include() not implemented on this platform" )
>         endif()
> endfunction()
> Here is the Visual Studio 2008 vcproj output on XP:
>         AdditionalOptions=" and
> Settings/superpc/dev/DominoProcessDecompCMake/cmake/files/source/hash_map_hack.hpp"
>         ForcedIncludeFiles="C:/Documents"
> And on Windows 7 it is:
>         ForcedIncludeFiles="C:/Documents and
> Settings/superpc/dev/DominoProcessDecompCMake/cmake/files/source/hash_map_hack.hpp"
> Any reason why I'm getting different results on XP vs W7? I'm running
> CMake 2.8.9 on both platforms with the same CMake scripts & code.
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Something *ELSE* must also be different. I don't think we have code
that should generate different VC output files for the same version of
VC on Windows XP and Windows 7. (It's possible, but I consider it
highly unlikely.)

Is there a service pack level difference? Something in the environment?

Can you track it down in the CMake source code to something that would
logically be different between XP and 7?

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