Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 07:15:17 EDT 2012

2012/8/8 Alexander Broekhuis <a.broekhuis at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> Way back in 2007 a request/patch has been mailed to make the installation
> from the command line use the CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT:
> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2007-September/016235.html
> Is something like this available in CMake now? I am running into the same
> problem, and would love to be able to use a proper "make install".

I don't think there is something new on that topic
and I don't think the provided patch has been merged.

However there is a feature request on the subject:

This has been "backlog-ged" probably because no-one did have
enough time to patch+test properly.

May be you can resume this work?

If you plan to do that check on cmake-developers and/or
the concerned tracker the patch proposal has a chance to go upstream.

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