[CMake] Multiple Installers in one project

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Wed Apr 4 13:15:40 EDT 2012

The answer to the question "is this possible?" is almost nearly always
"yes, of course."

But in this case, it may be more work than you'd like. It should be
quite possible to use BundleUtilities on 3 separate apps in 3 separate
install tree sub-directories. Then creating separate installers for
them might be quite a challenge with CPack. A single installer, or a
component-aware installer is quite easy. Three separate ones usually
come from three separate projects.

It begins to sound as though it might be easier to deal with your
three exes if they were in 3 separate projects...

Nothing that I'm aware of will help you make what you want to do
"quick+easy". It shouldn't be hard or difficult really, but if you
want to keep your current structure, then writing scripts to do the
installing and packaging is do-able, although likely more
time-consuming than you're hoping for.


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:55 PM,  <norulez at me.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to create multiple installers within a project.
> So, for example if the following files are created:
> Bin1.exe
> Bin2.exe
> Bin3.exe
> Lib1.dll
> Lib2.dll
> Lib3.dll
> Now I would like to have 3 Installers:
> 1.) contains:
> Bin1.exe
> Lib1.dll
> Lib2.dll
> 2.) contains:
> Bin2.exe
> Lib2.dll
> Lib3.dll
> 3.) contains:
> Bin3.exe
> Lib1.dll
> Lib2.dll
> Lib3.dll
> I have each binary/library in the install command as followed:
> After that I also want to run BundleUtilities for each binary/library to get the dependencies.
> Is this possible?
> Thanks in advance
> Best Regards
> NoRulez
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