[CMake] build dependency graph?

Alexander Neundorf a.neundorf-work at gmx.net
Wed May 4 15:10:02 EDT 2011

On Tuesday 03 May 2011, Anders Wallin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying this to generate a graphviz dependency graph
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:For_CMake_Hackers
> however I have most of my code in sub-directories with their own
> CMakeLists.txt files which are included from the root directory
> CMakeLists.txt using
> ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( ${myproject_SOURCE_DIR}/dir1  )
> it seems the generated graphviz dot file only contains dependencies
> for files in ${myproject_SOURCE_DIR} but not from the subdirectories.
> Is there any way around this?

Which version of cmake are you using ?
This works best with the most recent version, in versions before 2.8.2 I think 
it was not really working.


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