[CMake] Improvements for cross-referencing in the documentation?

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Tue Jan 25 10:22:06 EST 2011

I use the following script to generate a QtAssistant based documentation set. This allows quick searching of the docs and a more organized CMake documentation package. Here is the bash script. Maybe some else will find it useful also. I'll be the first to admit that I am not the best/most efficient script writer but it does work.

# This is a shell script to generate a QtAssistant set of docs from the CMake distribution.
# Couple of things to get you started with this file:function file
#  All the files are generated in the /tmp directory. If you want them somewhere else 
# set the 'generationDir' variable

CMAKE=`which cmake`

# remove any previous builds of the docs
rm -rf ${assistantDir}
mkdir -p ${assistantDir}


#-- Create a shell script to launch QtAssistant once everything is built
echo "${QTDIR}/bin/Assistant_adp.app/Contents/MacOS/assistant_adp -profile $generationDir/cmake_assistant_docs/CMakeDocs.adp" > $ShellScriptPath/cmakedocs.sh
chmod ugo+rwx $ShellScriptPath/cmakedocs.sh

# Start the main index.html file that lists the major doc groups, Commands, Modules, Variables
echo "" > ${mainIndexFile}  
echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<html><head>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> " >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<title>CMake Documentation</title>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<link href=\"$css_sheet\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "</head>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<body>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<div id=\"ContentTxtProd\">" >> ${mainIndexFile}

# Start the Qt adp file
echo "" > ${adpFile}
echo "<assistantconfig version=\"3.2.0\">" > ${adpFile}
echo "<profile>" >> ${adpFile}
echo "     <property name=\"name\">CMake Documentation</property>" >> ${adpFile}
echo "     <property name=\"title\">CMake Docs</property>" >> ${adpFile}
#echo "     <property name=\"applicationicon\"></property>" >> ${adpFile}
echo "     <property name=\"startpage\">index.html</property>" >> ${adpFile}
echo "     <property name=\"aboutmenutext\">About CMake Docs Viewer</property>" >> ${adpFile}
#echo "     <property name=\"abouturl\">about.txt</property>" >> ${adpFile}
#echo "     <property name=\"cmake_docs\">.</property>" >> ${adpFile}
echo " </profile>" >> ${adpFile}
echo "" >> ${adpFile}
echo "    <DCF ref=\"${mainIndexFileName}\" icon=\"\" imagedir=\"\" title=\"CMake Docs Handbook\">" >> ${adpFile}

# Function GenerateDocsForCommand This function will create all the
# individual html files, an index file and the proper section of the .adp file
# $1 The type of docs we are going to generate 'command' 'module' 'variable'
function GenerateDocsForCommand()
  mkdir ${docDir}
  ${CMAKE} --help-${1}-list ${listFile}
  echo "* Generating HTML files for command '${1}'"
  # Start the Index File for this group of docs
  echo "" > ${indexFile}  
  echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<html><head>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> " >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<title>CMake ${1} Index</title>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<link href=\"../$css_sheet\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "</head>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<body>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<div id=\"ContentTxtProd\">" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<p><a href=\"../index.html\">All CMake Documentation</a></p>" >> ${indexFile}
  # Create a section in the .adp file
  echo "      <section ref=\"${indexFile}\" title=\"CMake ${1}s\">" >> ${adpFile}
  # Create a section in the top level index file
  echo "<p><a target=\"DocFrame\" href=\"./${docDirName}/cmake_${1}_index.html\">CMake ${1}s</a></p>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
  # Generate all the individual documentation html files
  rm $tmpSortFile
  touch ${tmpSortFile}
  exec 9<${listFile}
  while read -u 9 line
     if [[ ${i} -gt 0 ]]; then
       echo "${line}" >> ${tmpSortFile}
   let i=i+1
  exec 9<&-    
  # Now sort the file
  echo "Sorting the List of ${1}"
  sort ${tmpSortFile} --output=${listFile} 
  # Now read the file and get the docs for the command, variable etc.
  exec 8<${listFile}
  while read -u 8 line
#    if [[ ${i} -gt 0 ]]; then
      echo ${i}": ${line}"
      # Seems that CMake only puts out the body portion of the html
      ${CMAKE} --help-${1} "${line}" ${tmpHTMLFile}
      sub=`echo ${line} | sed 's/</\&lt;/g' |  sed 's/>/\&gt;/g'`
      htmlFile=`echo ${line} | tr '[' '-' | tr ']' '-' | tr '>' '-' | tr '<' '-' | tr ' ' '_'`
      # Clear the file in case it is left over from previous run
      echo "" > ${htmlFile}  
      echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "<html><head>" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> " >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "<title>CMake ${1} ${line}</title>" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "<link href=\"../$css_sheet\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "</head>" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "<body>" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "<div id=\"ContentTxtProd\">" >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "<p><a href=\"./cmake_${1}_index.html\">All CMake ${1}s</a></p>" >> ${htmlFile}
      cat ${tmpHTMLFile} >> ${htmlFile}
      echo "</div></body></html>" >> ${htmlFile}
      # Add a line to the index file
      echo "<p><a href=\"${line}.html\">${line}</a></p>" >> ${indexFile}
      # Add the keyword and section for this piece of documentation to the .adp file
      echo "        <keyword ref=\"${htmlFile}\">${sub}</keyword>" >> ${adpFile}
      echo "        <section ref=\"${htmlFile}\" title=\"${sub}\"/>" >> ${adpFile}
  #  fi
    let i=i+1
  exec 8<&-
  # finish the html code in the index file
  echo "</div></body></html>" >> ${indexFile}
  # Finish the section in the .adp file
  echo "   </section>" >> ${adpFile}

function GenerateDocsForSection()
  mkdir ${docDir}
  ${CMAKE} --help-${1} ${indexFile}
  echo "* Generating HTML files for section '${1}'"
  # Create a section in the .adp file
  echo "      <section ref=\"${indexFile}\" title=\"CMake ${1}\">" >> ${adpFile}
  # Create a section in the top level index file
  echo "<p><a target=\"DocFrame\" href=\"./${docDirName}/cmake_${1}_index.html\">CMake ${1}s</a></p>" >> ${mainIndexFile}

  # Finish the section in the .adp file
  echo "   </section>" >> ${adpFile}

function GenerateCopyRightHTML()
  mkdir ${docDir}
  ${CMAKE} --${1} ${listFile}
  echo "* Generating HTML files for command '${1}'"
  # Start the Index File for this group of docs
  echo "" > ${indexFile}  
  echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<html><head>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> " >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<title>CMake ${1} Index</title>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<link href=\"../$css_sheet\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "</head>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<body>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<div id=\"ContentTxtProd\">" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<p><a href=\"../index.html\">All CMake Documentation</a></p>" >> ${indexFile}
  echo "<code style=\"display: block;\">" >> $indexFile
  #-- Write the body
  exec 9<${listFile}
  while read -u 9 line
      echo "$line" >> ${indexFile}  
  exec 9<&-
  # finish the html code in the index file
  echo "</code></div></body></html>" >> ${indexFile}
  # Create a section in the .adp file
  echo "      <section ref=\"${indexFile}\" title=\"CMake ${1}s\">" >> ${adpFile}
  # Finish the section in the .adp file
  echo "   </section>" >> ${adpFile}
  # Create a section in the top level index file
  echo "<p><a target=\"DocFrame\" href=\"./${docDirName}/cmake_${1}_index.html\">CMake ${1}s</a></p>" >> ${mainIndexFile}


GenerateDocsForCommand "command"
GenerateDocsForCommand "variable"
GenerateDocsForCommand "property"
GenerateDocsForCommand "module"
GenerateDocsForSection "policies"
GenerateDocsForSection "compatcommands"

GenerateCopyRightHTML "copyright"

# Finish the top level index File
echo "</div>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "</body>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "</html>" >> ${mainIndexFile}

# Finish the .adp File
echo "    </DCF>" >> ${adpFile}
echo "</assistantconfig>" >> ${adpFile}

# Create a frame.html file so normal web browsers can use this also
echo "" > ${mainIndexFile}  
echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<html><head>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"> " >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<title>CMake Documentation Frame Version</title>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<link href=\"$css_sheet\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "</head>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<body>" >> ${mainIndexFile}

echo "<frameset cols="25%,75%">" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<frame src=\"index.html\">" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "<frame name=\"DocFrame\" src=\"cmake_command_docs/cmake_command_index.html\">" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "</frameset>" >> ${mainIndexFile}

echo "</body>" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "</html>" >> ${mainIndexFile}

# Create a CSS sheet to style some of the text
echo "" > ${mainIndexFile}
echo "body {" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "	background : #FFFFFF;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "	font-family:'Lucida Grande';" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "}" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " ul" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " {" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "   border: solid 1px #555555;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A:link			{ COLOR: #0000FF; TEXT-DECORATION: none; }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A:link:hover	{ COLOR: #FF6600; TEXT-DECORATION: underline }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A:active		{ COLOR: #FF6600; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A:visited		{ COLOR: #0000AA; TEXT-DECORATION: none }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A:visited:hover	{ COLOR: #FF6600; TEXT-DECORATION: underline } " >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A.resources:link			{ COLOR: #0000FF; TEXT-DECORATION: none }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A.resources:link:hover		{ COLOR: #ff6600; TEXT-DECORATION: underline }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A.resources:visited			{ COLOR: #0000FF; TEXT-DECORATION: none }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A.resources:visited:hover	{ COLOR: #ff6600; TEXT-DECORATION: underline }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " A.resources:active			{ COLOR: #ff6600; TEXT-DECORATION: underline }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " .aLink {" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	color: black;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	font: 80% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	text-decoration: none;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	text-align: left;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	border-right: 1px solid black;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	border-left: 1px solid black;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	background: white;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	padding-top: 1px;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	padding-bottom: 1px;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	padding-right: 5px;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	padding-left: 5px;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	vertical-align:top;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " 	width:150px;" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo " }" >> ${mainIndexFile}
echo "" >> ${mainIndexFile}

# Launch QtAssistant with the proper arguments
# echo "${qtassistant} -profile ${adpFile}"
# ${qtassistant} -profile ${adpFile} &

Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net 
BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio

On Jan 24, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

> On Monday 24 January 2011, SF Markus Elfring wrote:
>>> We already have this bug filed to improve CTest and CPack documentation:
>>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10067
>> I guess that the selection of a proper documentation format is a general
>> problem for all applications.
>> Which are your format favourites for CMake components at the moment?
> Currently, for formatting the format as described in the readme.txt in the 
> CMake modules directory is used (i.e. not that much formatting).
> This is parsed in cmake and then "translated" to html, plain text and man 
> pages.
> This parser would have to be extended. E.g. also having an *emphasized* or 
> _emphasized_ tag would be nice.
> Alex
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