[CMake] Gyp VS CMake

Troy Straszheim straszheim at willowgarage.com
Fri Feb 18 14:42:14 EST 2011

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Michael Wild <themiwi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2. Tcl (or other) scripting language, which has clearly defined variable
>> scoping rules and well understood semantics.
> There are many pros for this idea, but a very important con: People will
> use it as a general purpose programming language (see what often happens
> to SCons projects). Even CMake has this problem to a lesser extent (IMHO
> mainly because it's a PITA to program ;-)). But I think some people at
> Kitware are/were experimenting with Python bindings...

Really?!?   I'm actually *generating* CMakeLists.txt files with python
in an effort to work around the entire cmake language and integrate
better with things that need to know about the build, but aren't the
build system proper.

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