[CMake] Including an external object file (.o) into static shared library using MS Visual Studio generator

Chatterjee, Shash schatterjee at camber.com
Thu Feb 17 12:59:54 EST 2011



I need to include a 3rd-party API, which comes without source, as an
object (.o) file into a static library using CMake 2.8.3.  I know it is
possible to add the .o when executables are linked, but that is not the
preferred method. 


I have simply defined the .o file in the ADD_LIBRARY command.  This
works under linux, and nmake (MS Visual Studio 10 /2010).  If I look in
the cmake-generated build.make, CMake correctly recognizes the .o as an
external dependency and defines a <libname>_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS variable in
there, and it is listed at the tail end of objects1.rsp.  So far, so


When using the "Visual Studio 10" generator, CMake adds the object file
as a <ClInclude Include="....."/> XML element under a <ItemGroup>
element that also lists all the source files as <ClCompile> elements for
the static library project.  Of course the .o is not include in the lib
when the project is built.  I can manually go into the project
properties, and add it as an "Additional Dependencies" dependency for
the Librarian, and that works.  Is there a way to get CMake to do this




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