[CMake] Ctest, run tests satisifying multiple labels?

Buksas, Michael W mwbuksas at lanl.gov
Mon Apr 18 16:23:25 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

I'd like to be able to use ctest to run tests which satisfy more than one label property. E.g. the intersection of multiple test selections created with -L.

Is there a straightforward way to do this though ctest? Do the regular expressions that ctest uses for matching have an 'and' or 'intersection' operator?

If not, any other ideas on how I might get the same results?

Apologies if this is in the manual or wiki somewhere. I wasn't able to find it.


Michael W. Buksas
CCS-7: Applied Computer Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory
(505) 412-7304

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