[CMake] Execution order

David Aldrich David.Aldrich at EU.NEC.COM
Fri Sep 17 07:24:45 EDT 2010

Hi Chris

> No, you shouldn't have to, unless you're using in-source builds 
> which is very strongly deprecated. Once you've gotten used to 
> out-of-source builds you'll never want to go back. 

Ok, I'm trying to think of how this would work for us.

The source for each of our libraries is in a separate subdirectory as you would expect. The subdirectory structure is:

Subdir ----- .cpp files
         |-- Makefile
         |-- _gnuDebug      <=== .o and .a files for Debug build
         |-- _gnuRelease    <=== .o and .a files for Release build

Would you call that an out-of-source build, or would you require the Makefile to be in a 'Build' subdirectory below the source?

Or, would you really like to see the build files somewhere to the side of the source files?

Best regards


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