No subject

Thu May 27 11:52:52 EDT 2010

are handled slightly differently to libraries. To solve the library
issue, I used the following which worked correctly:

# Dependencies
find_package          (PkgConfig)
pkg_check_modules     (FTDI  REQUIRED  libftdi>=0.13)

# Include & build
include_directories   (. ${FTDI_INCLUDE_DIRS})
add_library           (libgalinette SHARED device.c error.c firmware.c
flash.c libgalinette.h libgalinette-private.h)
set_target_properties (libgalinette PROPERTIES PREFIX ""
target_link_libraries (libgalinette ${FTDI_LIBRARIES})

# Install
install (TARGETS libgalinette LIBRARY DESTINATION ${libdir})

set_target_properties doesn't seem to work on executables though.

Hopefully someone who knows a bit more than I do will be able to spot
what I'm doing wrong...

Kind regards,

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