[CMake] Generator for NetBeans 6.9

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon May 31 04:51:31 EDT 2010

2010/5/31 Sebastian Meier <sebastianmeier59 at gmx.de>:
> Hi Bill,
>> Can NetBeans be driven from the command line?  That is a requirement for
>> getting try_compile to work.
> No, I don't think it is possible call NetBeans via command line in order to build targets. But since NetBeans relies on external tool chains like gcc, MinGW  or CygWin, is this really necessary?

CMake includes TRY_COMPILE feature for which will create an
appropriate CMake project
in order to try compile...
Thus CMake will use CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL in order to try to build, since
you said you won't
go for "Makefile-based" generator there should be a way to "build"
with NetBeans.

More informations:
cmake --help-variable CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL
cmake --help-variable CMAKE_GENERATOR
cmake --help-variable CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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