[CMake] Need cmake help for MacOsX

Jerome Vernet vernet.jerome at wanadoo.fr
Fri May 21 15:21:03 EDT 2010

Le 21/05/10 18:20, Michael Wild a écrit :
> On 21. May, 2010, at 16:42 , Jérôme VERNET wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to update an existing cmake project to be used on MacOsX. After a lot of thinking, I can now build, using the right framworks/library/using the good SDK/on the right ARCHitecture... It was hard, because there is nearly no MacOsX cmake documentation (or not up to date).
>> The last thing I'm stucked on is:
>> - how can cmake copy some Frameworks in the Ressources folder of my bundled app ? I need to copy SDL.Framework, for example.
> fixup_bundle in BundleUtilities.cmake will do this for you. Unfortunately the functions are not documented in the header-comment, so you have to look into the file to read it.
That's the point: MacOsX support of cmake is nearly undocumented...
> however, I remember there being problems with SDL which doesn't require fixing up since the install_name is already set for use as a private framework in a app bundle. Search the list archives, I'm pretty sure there was a solution.
I will.
> Well, the actual error message would have been of help here, wouldn't it? And while you're at it, run with "make VERBOSE=1" in order to see the actual commands being run.
Here is what I get:

> WHAT did you try? Usually one has different build trees. One for release and the other for debug builds (or even more trees, depending on your needs). This also depends on whether you are using the Xcode generator or the Unix Makefiles generator (personally, I recommend the latter...). Besides, apart from size and build times, there's nothing that speaks against debugging a universal binary.
I have to find what is a "build tree" ;).
>> I read a previous thread in this mailing list, but cannot find a solution.
> WHAT thread? You know, nobody here can see inside your head...
This one:

> - ....
> What is ... here? Are you expecting help for something you don't even know about? ;-)
Yes ! I havve still a lot of question.
I really need from someone a working MacOsX CMakeFile from any project 
to understand how CMake work on MacOsX.

Thanks for help,


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