[CMake] Linking error with VS2005

Chuck Atkins chuck.atkins at kitware.com
Fri May 21 10:48:35 EDT 2010

Does the problem happen in both Debug and Release builds?

Visual C++ has a well known problem of mixing debug and release libraries
together.  My suspicion is that you have some dependant libraries that are
only built in Debug or only built in Release.  With Visual C++ it is
important that all libraries and dependencies as well as the project code
it's self be built in the same "Build Configuration" (Debug or Release).
Mixing the two will often give rise to problems such as these.

Chuck Atkins

-- "Mathematicians are tools for turning coffee grounds into formulas.",
Paul Erdos

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Daanen Vincent <daanen at koelis.com> wrote:

> Dear Cmake users,
> I'm facing to a problem I can't resolve.
> I'm developping on a windows XP SP3 box with Visual Studio 2005.
> I have a project using itk which compile fine.
> For  some reason, I try to use cmake to generate the "same" project and I
> got linker error (conflict between msvcrtd.lib and libcmtd.lib)
> - I check that the librairies are declared in the same order in both
> project
> and it's ok
> - Try to ignore either msvcrtd.lib or libcmtd.lib but I does not work :
> other linker errors appear.
> I could not find what is specifically added by cmake so that the
> "cmake-generated" project fails to build the binray whereas the
> "manually-generated" project file succeeds...
> Is there someone who could help me ?
> Thanks
>  Vince
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