[CMake] Configure Mac OS X for 32-bit

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Mon May 3 11:24:56 EDT 2010

On 5/3/2010 11:11 AM, Tron Thomas wrote:
> What is the purpose for the OSX_ARCHITECTURE and
> OSX_ARCHITECTURES_<CONFIG> properties that already exist in CMAKE? It
> seems like they might be properties that are already meant to address an
> issue like this, only I can't figure out how they work.
OSX_ARCHITECTURES is mostly meant to select which archs you want to 
build. It was designed with the idea that it would be selected by the 
end user and not in the CMakeLists.txt of the project.   CMake uses this 
to create its fat binaries (ppc/i386) on the mac.

> Also, I think previous versions of CMake did not have this problem, only
> I'm not certain of that.
We just verified, CMake 2.2.3 through to 2.8.1 all default to building 
64 bit on 10.6.  The change was by Apple not CMake.


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