[CMake] intercomponent link dependencies?

Nico Schlömer nico.schloemer at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 05:51:07 EST 2010

> Coming to think of it: Why don't you simply list ${A_LIBRARY}, /usr/lib/liblapack.a and /usr/lib/blas.a (shouldn't that be libblas.a?) in A_LIBRARIES and the use that in TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES? Simpler for you and less work for CMake...

When using ${A_LIBRARY}, ${B_LIBRARY}, ${G_LIBRARY}, and ${Z_LIBRARY}
(which may all depend on blas and lapack, I'd like to avoid

> PS: I can't tell for sure from what you show, but you REALLY should discover lapack and blas instead of hardcoding their paths, e.g. using FindBLAS and FindLAPACK (which admittedly have their deficiencies)

Well, there may be many different versions of BLAS/LAPACK installed
(think of different compilers, compiler versions, for example).
Against which one of those ${A_LIBRARY} is compiled is hardcoded in
one of the installation files of ${A_LIBRARY}. Those I then parse and
use that info and use that in FindA.cmake.


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