[CMake] CTest: regular expression not matched

AlannY m at alanny.ru
Sun Feb 7 09:59:27 EST 2010

Hi there. I'm trying to write some tests for my library with CTest.

I have:

    add_test (test4 test1 --test4)
    set_tests_properties (test4 PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "arg1: 0 arg2: another")

The output of program is:

    arg1: 0 arg2: another

When I'm running "make test":

    4/ 54 Testing test4                         ***Failed Required regular expression not found.Regex=[arg1: 0 arg2: another

Where is error? Why is regular expression is not matched?

Thanks for patience.

  /,   _.. \   _\  (`._ ,.

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