[CMake] No output from GLOBAL_DEPENDS_DEBUG_MODE property and LINK_DIRECTORIES property

Bob Berger rsberger1 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 2 12:11:46 EST 2010


Before I describe my problem, I will supply some background information: I am running CMake 2.8 and Visual C++ 2005 SP1 on Windows XP SP Pro SP3. I am investigating why some of the DLLs I am building have started to have unexpected dependencies, making them larger than necessary. This problem is only occurring when I use CMake to build my application with command-line tools as part of a nightly build. It does not occur when I use CMake to generate Visual C++ solution and project files and build using the Visual Studio IDE. This is so despite the fact that there is no apparent significant difference between the CMakeCache.txt files generated for each of these builds.

For my nightly builds, I run CMake via a script passed to CTest as shown below:

ctest -S "nightly_script.cmake"

At the end of that script I've added:


CTest is invoked from a batch file, and when I run that batch file I redirect both stdout and stderr into a log file, as shown below:

NIGHTLY.BAT >> C:\BuildLogs\NightlyLog 2>&1

Since the documentation for GLOBAL_DEPENDS_DEBUG_MODE says...

"This property causes it to display details of its analysis to stderr."

I expected to see additional data in my log file, but I don't see anything new. Can anyone suggest why?

I also tried to use the LINK_DIRECTORIES property (not the command) to collect information that might prove relevant. I understand that this property must be invoked after the specified directory has been processed by CMake, so I placed it at the bottom of the CMakeLists.txt file for the directory in question, as shown below:


I am finding no output from these commands either. Not in my log file and not in the "LastBuild" log produced by CTest (which contains data such as compiler output such as warnings and errors). If I put the commands in the CMakeLists.txt file of another directory, or at the bottom of my nightly_script.cmake file, my log file displays an error saying the directory was not found because it was invalid or not processed yet. Can anyone suggest how I can get to see the value of the LINK_DIRECTORIES property in one of my log files?

Thanks, in advance, for any help that may be forthcoming.

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