[CMake] Associating files with command

Anders Backman andersb at cs.umu.se
Tue Aug 31 15:44:19 EDT 2010

Hi all.

I have a directory of .pkg files to be processed by tolua. This in turn
generates a bunch of cpp files, which I then link into a library.

My problem right now is that, I would like to generate a project, where each
.pkg is associated with a custom command, so that I in visual studio (for
exampel) can "compile" each .pkg file individually.

I have managed to create a library, and to get all the generated cpp file
associated to the library+a custom target command which is executed
PRE_BUILD to the library.
But thats not quite what I would like. Because then I cant just compile one
.pkg file if I edit it. Using the above approach, requires me to build the
whole project, which compiles ALL .pkg files associated to it, not what I
want. I want to setup a proper dependency chain, so that If a .pkg file is
modified, the corresponding "generated"_xx.cpp is generated, and the project
is linked.

So I guess Im looking for something like:

add_library(myLib theMain.cpp

set_source_files_properties(generated_math.cpp GENERATED)

being able to tell CMake that .pkg files are treated in a certain way:
The command that I want to execute for each .pkg is:

tolua -o generated_math.cpp -n math math.pkg

So any hints on how to do this?
I can certainly do this in VisualStudio, adding .pkg files to the project,
and setting the build events on it, but I need a portable solution...

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