[CMake] Install Export and include

Michael Wild themiwi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 08:52:44 EDT 2010

On 22. Apr, 2010, at 14:44 , Nicola Brisotto wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm building a library QXmppClient that export properties with INSTALL (EXPORT ...)
> How can I also export a variable with the include path of the library?
> In the executable project I use find_package(QXmppClient). The target QXmppClient is imported so I can link with:
> TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myexecutable QXmppClient  )
> This is a snippet from the QXmppClient CMakeLists.txt:
> ADD_LIBRARY(QXmppClient ${SRC})
> INSTALL(TARGETS QXmppClient EXPORT QXmppClientConfig
> 	DESTINATION lib/QXmppClient )
> 	${Qt4_MOC}
> 	DESTINATION include/QXmppClient)
> #Export Target into include dir
> INSTALL(EXPORT QXmppClientConfig DESTINATION lib/QXmppClient )
> Nicola Brisotto

Call your export file QXmppClientExports instead, create a file QXmppClientConfig.cmake.in in which you include the QXmppClientExports.cmake file and configure it appropriately. In that same file you can then set QXMPPCLIENT_INCLUDE_DIR, QXMPPCLIENT_LIBRARIES etc.



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