[CMake] CMake 2.8.1 + Qt/Cocoa + OS X Problem -- qt_menu.nib not getting copied

Ben Medina ben.medina at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 16:15:52 EDT 2010

Hi Mike,

I would be interested in taking a look at your git repo. Where is it located?


On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 7:36 AM, Michael Jackson
<mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
> Lets take a deeper look at what is needed for an OS X bundle, cmake and Qt.
>  The issues with making an OS X app bundle "relocatable" are well known
> (those following along at home can Google search..). If you are including
> libraries into the bundle then the "install_name" of those
> libraries/frameworks need to be something like "@executable_path...." and
> placed correctly into the app bundle. This is what "BundleUtilities.cmake"
> does for you. Nothing More.
>   The nib file that Qt-Cocoa needs is particular to Qt-Cocoa builds. It has
> NOTHING to do with CMake at all. I, like everyone else, has a shell script
> template and CMake template file that they use to create their Qt/Cocoa
> bundles and we forget that BundleUtilities does NOT actually take care of
> some of this for us. Now, CMake _could_ offer a bit better support for
> Qt/Cocoa by maybe explicitly offering a "DeployQtApplication" cmake function
> that would "do the right thing" based on the type of Qt being used (Carbon
> vs Cocoa), copying plugins, copying the nib file, creating a qt.conf file if
> needed. That would be an excellent feature request to submit to the bug
> tracker.
>  If you are interested you are welcome to pull some apps from my git repo
> and take a look at how I am generating the app bundle.
>  So, I agree with your philosophical concerns that CMake _could_ offer some
> convenience functions to more explicitly deal with Qt/Cocoa.
>  Hope that helps.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
> Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio
> On Apr 16, 2010, at 10:13 AM, kent williams wrote:
>> If you have the URL of this example, I'd love to look at it. I have
>> been poring over the CMake wiki without finding anything.
>> But that's not what I was concerned about. What bothers me is that:
>> 1, If you build against Qt-Carbon, this isn't a problem.
>> 2. if qtmenu.nib is needed, and it isn't being fixed by
>> BundleUtilities::fixup_bundle, then fixup_bundle isn't actually fixing
>> up the bundle.
>> The bug 10000 I found in the CMake bug tracker actually is
>> specifically about working around this problem in the specific case of
>> building the Qt CMake client.
>> My broader philosophical concern is that actually making a proper OS X
>> bundle with CMake is a process with too many moving parts.  The whole
>> point of CMake is to eliminate boilerplate by dealing with the build
>> process at a higher level, and this strikes me as definitely something
>> that has to happen every time you build a bundle for OSX
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Mike Jackson
>> <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
>>> I do not see any where in your code commands to actually copy the nib
>>> file from the qtgui framework into your app bundle. I know thatbthe
>>> way I set up my installation code I explicitly put a command to copy
>>> the nib file. I believe there is a qt example on the cmake wiki that
>>> shows how to do that.
>>> -----
>>> Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
>>> Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
>>> BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio
>>> On Apr 15, 2010, at 17:06, kent williams <nkwmailinglists at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'll include my CMakeLists.txt at the end of this message, but the
>>>> long and the short of it is this: My ApplicationBundle crashes when I
>>>> try and open it with this classic error message:
>>>> Qt internal error: qt_menu.nib could not be loaded. The .nib file
>>>> should be placed in QtGui.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/  or in
>>>> the resources directory of your application bundle.
>>>> This is supposed to be fixed, as documented in this bug:
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10000
>>>> I checked out the latest GIT CMake and verified that the file in
>>>> question is the same in 2.8.1 and current GIT trunk.
>>>> So is there some magical extra step I need to get my bundle properly
>>>> fixed up?
>>>> project( BRAINSTracerQT )
>>>> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
>>>> cmake_policy(VERSION 2.8)
>>>> find_package( VTK REQUIRED )
>>>> include(${VTK_USE_FILE})
>>>> find_package( ITK REQUIRED )
>>>> include(${ITK_USE_FILE})
>>>> find_package( Qt4 REQUIRED )
>>>> if(QT_USE_FILE)
>>>>  include(${QT_USE_FILE})
>>>>  set(QT_USE_QTXML 1)
>>>> else(QT_USE_FILE)
>>>> endif(QT_USE_FILE)
>>>> find_package(ModuledescriptionParser REQUIRED)
>>>> include(${ModuleDescriptionParser_USE_FILE})
>>>> find_package(TCL REQUIRED)
>>>> find_package( VTK REQUIRED )
>>>> include(${VTK_USE_FILE})
>>>> find_package( ITK REQUIRED )
>>>> include(${ITK_USE_FILE})
>>>> include_directories(
>>>> )
>>>> configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ExecutablePath.h.in
>>>>       ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ExecutablePath.h IMMEDIATE @ONLY)
>>>> add_subdirectory(vtkRenderingAddOn)
>>>> include_directories(${BRAINSTracerQT_SOURCE_DIR}/vtkRenderingAddOn)
>>>> set(BRAINSTracerQT_SRCS
>>>> main.cxx
>>>> BTMainWindow.cxx
>>>> vtkKWImage.cxx
>>>> vtkKWImage2D.cxx
>>>> QVtkImageViewer.cxx
>>>> vtkMultiWidgetBase.cxx
>>>> vtkMultiContourWidget.cxx
>>>> vtkBTPointSetWidget.cxx
>>>> vtkBTPointWidget.cxx
>>>> PolyDataUtils.cxx
>>>> BTContour.cxx
>>>> BTPolygon.cxx
>>>> DiscreteParticleFilter.cxx
>>>> PolygonFill.cxx
>>>> LoadMaskImage.cxx
>>>> qtcolorpicker.cxx
>>>> QVtkPropertyDialog.cxx
>>>> QModuleParameterWidget.cxx
>>>> QImageParameterWidget.cxx
>>>> QFileBrowserParameterWidget.cxx
>>>> )
>>>> set(BRAINSTracerQT_HDRS
>>>> BTMainWindow.h
>>>> QVtkImageViewer.h
>>>> qtcolorpicker.h
>>>> QVtkPropertyDialog.h
>>>> QModuleParameterWidget.h
>>>> QImageParameterWidget.h
>>>> QFileBrowserParameterWidget.h
>>>> )
>>>> set(BRAINSTracerQT_RCCS
>>>> BRAINSTracerQT.qrc)
>>>> set(BRAINSTracerQT_UIS
>>>> qvtkpropertydialog.ui)
>>>> QT4_WRAP_UI(UIHeaders ${BRAINSTracerQT_UIS} )
>>>> set_source_files_properties(${BRAINSTracerQT_SRCS}
>>>> add_definitions(-DQT_GUI_LIBS -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT3_SUPPORT)
>>>> #set_source_files_properties(${BRAINSTracerQT_SRCS} PROPERTIES
>>>> #  OBJECT_DEPENDS "${UIHeaders}")
>>>> add_executable( BRAINSTracerQT
>>>>              MACOSX_BUNDLE
>>>>              WIN32
>>>>              ${BRAINSTracerQT_SRCS}
>>>>              ${MOCSrcs}
>>>>              ${RCC_SRCS}
>>>> )
>>>> target_link_libraries( BRAINSTracerQT
>>>>  QVTK
>>>>  vtkRenderingAddOn
>>>>  vtkRendering
>>>>  vtkFiltering
>>>>  vtkVolumeRendering
>>>>  ${TCL_LIBRARY}
>>>>  ModuleDescriptionParser
>>>> )
>>>>       "${TARGET_EXEC_DIR}/Modules")
>>>> #--
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> # Now the installation stuff below
>>>> #--
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> SET(plugin_dest_dir bin)
>>>> SET(qtconf_dest_dir bin)
>>>> IF(APPLE)
>>>>  SET(plugin_dest_dir BRAINSTracerQT.app/Contents/MacOS)
>>>>  SET(qtconf_dest_dir BRAINSTracerQT.app/Contents/Resources)
>>>> IF(WIN32)
>>>> ENDIF(WIN32)
>>>> #--
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> # Install the BRAINSTracerQT application, on Apple, the bundle is at
>>>> the root of the
>>>> # install tree, and on other platforms it'll go into the bin
>>>> directory.
>>>>   )
>>>> #--
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> # Install needed Qt plugins by copying directories from the qt
>>>> installation
>>>> # One can cull what gets copied by using 'REGEX "..." EXCLUDE'
>>>> ${plugin_dest_dir}/plugins COMPONENT Runtime)
>>>> #--
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> # install a qt.conf file
>>>> # this inserts some cmake code into the install script to write the
>>>> file
>>>>   file(WRITE \"\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${qtconf_dest_dir}/qt.conf
>>>> \" \"\")
>>>>   " COMPONENT Runtime)
>>>> #--
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> # Use BundleUtilities to get all other dependencies for the
>>>> application to work.
>>>> # It takes a bundle or executable along with possible plugins and
>>>> inspects it
>>>> # for dependencies.  If they are not system dependencies, they are
>>>> copied.
>>>> # directories to look for dependencies
>>>> ${ITK_DIR}
>>>> ${VTK_DIR}
>>>> ${ModuledescriptionParser_DIR}
>>>> ${BRAINSTracerQT_BINARY_DIR}/lib
>>>> )
>>>> # Now the work of copying dependencies into the bundle/package
>>>> # The quotes are escaped and variables to use at install time have
>>>> their $ escaped
>>>> # An alternative is the do a configure_file() on a script and use
>>>> install(SCRIPT  ...).
>>>> # Note that the image plugins depend on QtSvg and QtXml, and it got
>>>> those copied
>>>> # over.
>>>>     \"\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${plugin_dest_dir}/plugins/*$
>>>>   include(BundleUtilities)
>>>>   fixup_bundle(\"${APPS}\" \"\${QTPLUGINS}\" \"${DIRS}\")
>>>>   " COMPONENT Runtime)
>>>> # To Create a package, one can run "cpack -G DragNDrop
>>>> CPackConfig.cmake" on Mac OS X
>>>> # where CPackConfig.cmake is created by including CPack
>>>> # And then there's ways to customize this as well
>>>> include(CPack)
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> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at
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