[CMake] CMake & Matlab

Matt McCormick matt at mmmccormick.com
Thu Apr 15 18:11:37 EDT 2010

James C. Sutherland <James.Sutherland at ...> writes:

> I have been trying to get CMake to build Matlab MEX files without any success.

> 1. It seems that FindMatlab.cmake is not very functional.  I am on a Mac with 

If I recall correctly, it is rather out of date.

> 2. The instructions on http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:MatlabMex don't seem to 
work either.
> I tried following the approach of setting MEX as the CC and CXX compiler, but 
even on the trivial "hello
> world" example posted on the wiki page, CMake fails during the configure phase:
> 	The C compiler "/Applications/MATLAB_R2010a.app/bin/mex" is not able to 
compile a simple test program.

Did you apply to the patch linked on the wiki page and build your out custom 

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