[CMake] Problem linking dynamic libraries on MacOSX

Frank Stappers f.p.m.stappers at tue.nl
Wed Apr 7 06:40:53 EDT 2010


Currently, I have a problem with linking to dynlib outside a bundle.
Let me explain: We have a toolset that contains both unix-tools
(applications without the .app suffix)
and bundles (applications that have the .app suffix). After
installation, tools are installed in "./bin"
and shared libraries are installed in "./lib/mcrl2".

We set the following parameters, for linking:

set(CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@executable_path/../lib/mcrl2")

This allows for unix-tools to find the relatively located libraries at runtime.
However, running a bundle causes a problem. It tries to find the
libraries relative to the
executable which is @executable_path/../lib/mcrl2/lib_XXX.dylib in the
instead of the path relative to the bundle, which should be

Perhaps, somebody has some pointers on how to tackle this problem.
Any help is welcome.

Kind regards,
Frank Stappers

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