[CMake] comparing two files in cmake

Alex H aditya15417 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 22 21:00:54 EST 2009

I have the following command to compare two files:
ADD_TEST(mytest ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files file1.c file2.c)

however when I run the test, then all it prints is :
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/herlamba/ece373/src/homeworks/hw07-herlambang/DartConfiguration.tclStart processing testsUpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/herlamba/ece373/src/homeworks/hw07-herlambang/DartConfiguration.tclTest project /home/herlamba/ece373/src/homeworks/hw07-herlambangConstructing a list of testsNo tests were found!!!

am I doing something wrong here?
I run the test by typing in:
 ctest -VV -R mytest

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